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before you find your handsome prince, u've got to kiss a lot of frogs..[eh?]
Friday, November 23, 2007

hai.what's with titlE?mwahahai,.last thursay, we had a talk with princpal.and there's just on thing he said that bothers me so much.and i really don't know why.hai.hai.hai.gru kea my gs2 aqng tao na habo qng mhali sa calbaryo kng wnna be 'naga city val. Ed high school.’ Hai.the moRe I think about it the more it hurts[awe.]waa.at first.riringgwan ln.tz nunian.i think.i thnk.i only think. Pro at last nhhiling q xa almost ebriday.hai.unlike ****.nvr mind.whha.who would have thought that m gonna like him just because of that?haai. but I just like him. That’s all. No more. no less.[:)] hai,.the downpour’s over.[I hope so]..we havn’t startd practicing in MAPeH and it’s so annoying.when will this perplexities go? Ugh.

He doesn’t give me those sparks.

Oh no..

He gives me the whole damn fireworks show.

Note to all: he’s NOT the ‘biyo’ guy.

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5:39 PM

Naga City Val. Ed High School..?!
Thursday, November 15, 2007

'babay sa gabos. i'll cherish all the moments i had with you.waa!' tsk.i h8 tw.curse math.patawri kta bio.bulate.pnu nq?the pressure can be felt throughout the 2nd yr students of NCSHS whcich i hope that it would be NCVEHS naning mau nang bagsak.hay.siguro kng naga city val ed high school lng niu di maung problema.ang makikick-out lng gru 2ng mga laman lupa na maung pakiaram sa ugali nnda.o.ma partida pa yan! tsk.imagine.78 UP students!grb.haggard.haggard.haggard.oi samga pipol out der na outsder nd maung pagkaarm sa science, it may be good to hear "UP" but it's not in our school.anung nsa icp nndu 78 ma nkapasa sa UP college![ehem.kuya jimbs.biktima!].nyar.nyar.neweiz.ngabbaduy na ang post q.hay.hay.grb.25 hrs and 28 mins nlng ma saturday na!waa!babay prends.****.chocoholix.feleo.babay ebriting.waa.bka kea e n nndu q mhiling after saturday? Say baya ngimbento kng card giving a?pati tw?cxai?cxai?waa!nkkasuya,. this is all your fault!wuhuhu,.i h8 2nd yr layp![hay.gbos mn gru']

hay.arm q mau n q sa top 10 and ebriting and accpted q na xa. problema q nlng c madur ta c padur. hay.expectations!lyk duh!the pressure is on me!not yours! arg kng sbi ni jerald, 'ang pag-adal dai mn puros tukaw,tram, tindog!' wa.

sana matapos na ning calbaryo na ni.haaay..promiz po mabawi aq.sana.hayy..bka ini na ang last post q for 13 years,.bka ma grounded aq for a century dhil sa mhhling nnda sa sarong white, rectangular card.waa! im sorry, just cant be perfect...

6:21 AM

you're that guy?
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

You are the boy who spent your school fees on $10 worth of chicken wings thereupon getting a spanking from your mother. You are the boy who grew up to play games every week with fellow boys. You are the boy who got a Playstation 2 as an engagement present. You are the boy who would eat like a boy if you lived alone, living on potato chips and Pepsi. You are the boy who would like it very much if he didn't have to grow up. But you are a boy who is also a guy.

You are that guy that she met at the pre-departure talk, who insulted her baby blue mobile phone in an attempt to get her phone number.
You are the guy that commented on how she stood like a dancer with her feet turned flat out.
You are that guy that apparently dedicated music to her over the radio and staked out the uni just hoping you catched a glimpse of her.
You are the guy that got lucky when you bumped into her at the traffic just outside uni on the first day of school.
You are the guy that repeated her phone number all the way home just in case you forgot it and missed the chance again.
You are the guy that she out ate on your first date.
You are the guy that had to bear all the crap when she couldn't decide who she liked better, you or some other guy back home.
You are the guy that won her heart by buying her gummi bears and walking her home from ballet in the cold.
You are the guy that she impressed by eating through half a bucket of fried chicken and then sat back and asked what's for desert.
You are the guy that had to be taught what relationships were and in turn taught her how to work hard in a relationship.
You are the guy that put your thesis on the back burner while she wigged out about her own thesis through the year.
You are the guy who proposed to her on the plane back to Melbourne and made her dizzy.

You are the guy that wanted to wear Bata shoes to the wedding and refused to be put into ill-fitting Kenneth Coles.
You are the one who got up there during your wedding and sang to your bride.
You are the guy that endured the pillows hurled at you in her sleep.
You are the guy who will go out there and look for yak's milk from Yemen if she ever demanded it.
You are the guy that buys her flowers and burns her cds just to make her smile.
You are the guy that believes, trusts and prays even when she has given up hope.
You are the guy of her dreams and her greatest fear is to live without you.

Who are you? You are that guy and I am that girl.

6:43 AM

all good things come to an end.y?y?y?

mm.sori.hinuhugakan na qng icontinue..i just wanna forget that creepy old memory.[whha]

Some of us think holding on makes us strong;
but sometimes it is letting go.
-uhm.mau lnng mumuse over lng kng "past".nyar.charm.verox.micah.cathy.yza.padi.mark.bam.cuz.,arm mn gru nndu ni anu?hhe.uhm.nakakailang?.yikes.mdrama ba ito.?pro anu arm mu nmn gru kng cxai ka.im sorry.i was glad dat you were once mine. i love the way you love.but i hate the way i love.and miss you, we may be through but I'll never regret any of it..yikes.m.a.d.r.a.m.a.h.u.n.whha.nyar.now its exposed and everybody's going to read this.pro i dont mind.past is past.pro api nq nunian pra saimo.hope ur hapi.pro 4 d last time.im so sorry.sorry.

5:51 AM

No pleassure, no expressions just an illusion of what should of but wasnt
Saturday, November 10, 2007

If I never met you, I wouldn't like you. If I didn't like you I wouldn't love you.
If I didn't love you I wouldn't miss you, but I did, I do and I will.

hay naku.'m nt feeling well.and myb ill nver feel well.dnt you dare ask why.'hay naku.yan nlng tlga ang mssbi q sa stat sa ym.taz ang bulate, ang nkka amaze lng.snbi nng 'dnt you dare ask why' dql mn nanggad nghhapot kng naano aq.tano bwal mgahpot.chuvapepseeber,.bulateng kabayo[ehem.veroxy].

verox.ngnobena ka pa?sori sa effort na tgtao mo.whha.e mn lng aq nkaduman.hay.nkkadepress.e q na arm kng anng ggbhun.icpun mu mn kea.knsuarin q xa last na ntanaw?august18, 2007?around 7:00 pm sa may *******.?xaks.prng taon na ba ang nakalipas?hay.syang tlg.hay.hay.hay.pra ba kming pnagkaitan ng panahon at pag-ibig[verooxy,paarog.mas bagay kea ning ksbihan na ni sa buhay q.whha].

oct. 10, 2005..xaks pgal pagal na q from legaspi kea nagstay muna q kay cuz na haws.taz burrtdei pln ni kuyax taz yaon dman kbrkda nia.taz yan.nhiling q xa.matira na.,ngkkwat dart.taz yan.nhiling q na xa,.hay.time froze......

ge,.ma resume ang kwnto, sa susund na post q.whha.

5:46 AM